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Author: banneh82

  /  Articles posted by banneh82

"Тokom praistorije Srbija je u dva maha bila kulturno središte Evrope. Zajednice lovaca i ribara srednjeg kamenog doba, koje su između 7000. i 5500 godine pre n.e. živele u području Đerdapa, prve su u Evropi uspostavile složene privredno-društvene odnose, stvorile

Radical Softness Radical Softness is a repository of starting points: four artists offer four sides of the compass, and the map is your own eagerness to question the world. The quest for the artists Olivera Parlić, Mia Ćuk, Valentina Savić and Marijana Ćurčić was to set

Finding Doors In The Wall That Have None Installations often explore connection between the body, space and consumption. In the recent years her main themes have shifted towards consumption and challenges of rationalism. Her upcoming solo show titled Finding Doors in the Wall That Have None

"Bomboniere” Bomboniera is Interactive installation of ideal world that does not exist any more. Childhood memmoires are digitally translated and porcelanized showing the history of womans in my family. The installation is left to the spectator to play with and make its own memmoires. Curator Ksenija

2018 “Blanc de Chine” International Artist Residency works exhibition Blanc de Chine porcelain installation “NUWA” made at the Dehua Fudong Porcelain Factory, will be exhibited alongside with the works of Robbie Haidinger, C.Coated, & Lee Taxoo “2018 Blanc de Chine” resident artists” Link: http://www.blancdechineicaa.com/

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